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Thousands of clinicians worldwide use Doctor's Data for their laboratory testing needs.

Doctor's Data:
Science and Insight Leaders in Research Clinical Education Support CLIA Approved Laboratory

As a specialist and pioneer in essential and toxic elemental testing, as well as other innovative specialty tests, Doctor's Data offers a wide array of functional testing to aid in decision making and better patient outcomes.

Doctor's Data helps you assess and treat heavy metal burden, nutritional deficiencies, gastrointestinal function, cardiovascular risk, liver and metabolic abnormalities, hormonal status, and more.

The revolutionary GI360™ stool profile is a powerful, evidence-based tool to profile the microbiome using PCR analysis. The novel, focused Dysbiosis Index included in the GI360™ was developed and validated in a clinical setting, utilizing research-based methodology to discern dysbiosis vs. normobiosis. This expanded view of clinically significant bacteria offers actionable data to the practitioner, particularly in combination with the complementary methodologies employed by Doctor's Data in the GI360™ profile.

Learn more about GI360™

Choose any category below for a detailed overview of the biomarkers included in each profile, as well as collection instructions, CPT codes and more.

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